Document Management Services
We take document and information security seriously. Our staff of skilled personnel provide unmatched expertise in all phases of the document management process, including Document Preparation, Document Scanning, Image Inpsection & QA, Indexing & Verification, Data Entry, Workflow, etc.
We save you time and money, provide the highest level of quality and accuracy, and significantly reduce risk.

We are available to assist you in many ways. We can help you with a project, get you back on track if you've fallen behind, provide Disaster Contingency/Business Continuity backup, or permanently replace your in-house document conversion process with improved service levels and reduced costs.
Our staff can be plugged into any situation quickly and with little effort on your part. We have experience with a multitude of document and content management systems, so learning curves are virtully non-existent - we hit the ground running.
Below is a partial list of systems we are extremely familiar with:
EMC Documentum
Hyland Onbase
Many more...
Our knowledge and experience allow us to adapt to any scenario quickly and completely. Contact us today to learn more about the advantages of utilizing CDS Document Management Services.